universal transverse mercator

Dalam GIS ada 2 sistem koordinat yang biasa digunakan, yaitu koordinat geografi dan UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator), mungkin teman-teman sudah tidak asing lagi dengan koordinat geografi yang menggunakan format derajat menit detik, berbeda dengan koordinat geografi yang satuan unitnya adalah derajat, koordinat UTM menggunakan satuan unit meter. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Based on the Transverse Mercator projection. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system is basically geographical latitude longitude system that is expressed in … It divides the world into 60 numbered zones, both north and south, separated by the equator. A 4-digit SPC zone to be used for SPC conversion, where applicable; SPC zone is automatically determined based on a given UTM coordinate; you may optionally override this by specifying your own 4-digit SPC zone. The companion problem - which spheroids to use in different parts of the world - is not addressed. The computed terms are expanded in the standard series (See Army Tech Manual No. 5-241-8). "Transverse Mercator" refers to the manner in which geographic coordinates are transformed into plane coordinates. Universal Transverse Mercator. Please send comments or suggestions on accessibility to the site editor. Figure 2.22.3 One frame of an animation showing a sequence of the 60 Transverse Mercator projections used as the basis of the UTM coordinate system. A particular subset of the transverse Mercator is the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) which was adopted by the US Army for large-scale military maps. UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator UTM Projection. The Transverse Mercator projection illustrated above (Figure 2.22.2) minimizes distortion within UTM zone 30. This scheme ensures that the maximum error associated with the projection due to scale distortion will be 1 part in 1,000 (at the outer edge of the zone at the equator). The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system is a specialized application of the transverse Mercator projection. The ability The item The universal transverse Mercator (UTM) grid represents a specific, individual, material … This courseware module is part of Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' OER Initiative. If you were to plot the points representing the two cities on a map, ignoring the fact that the two zones are two distinct coordinate systems, Philadelphia would appear to the west of Pittsburgh. These two standard lines are parallel to, and 180,000 meters east and west of, each central meridian. Inexperienced GIS users make this mistake all the time. Because although the cities are both located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, they are situated in two different UTM zones. Error and distortion increase for regions that span more than one UTM zone. Universal Transverse Mercator 10 S 580961.91 4142077.66 10 N 580961.91 4142077.66 (the format shown in the Google Earth status bar does not work: 10 S 580961.91 m N 4142077.66 m E) Divide the world into sixty vertical strips, each spanning six degrees of longitude. As you can see, the ellipses centered within the highlighted UTM zone are all the same size and shape. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a specialized application of the transverse Mercator projection. The purpose of this study was to determine an accurate closed loop solution for calculating northing values along the central meridian. This report derives and evaluates three different techniques for determining this distance. (Author). The U.S. Army selected this as the standard for mapping the world in 1947. Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude, it is a horizontal position representation, which means it ignores altitude and treats the earth as a perfect ellipsoid. For example, the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is east of the city of Pittsburgh. In the illustration above in Figure 2.22.4, there is one standard meridian. The Universal Transverse Mercator, or UTM, spatial coordinate system has become a favorite among GIS users. Convert Coordinates to Decimal Degrees (DD), Degrees Minutes and Seconds (DMS), Degrees and Decimal Degrees (DDM) and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Each zone spans six degrees of longitude and has its own central meridian. mercator-proj is a tool library for calculating web Mercator projection on GPU using webgl This project using a technique borrowed from deck.gl, all codes are from deck.gl. This means that a 1,000 meter distance measured anywhere within a UTM zone will be no worse than + or - 1 meter off. ��p۶� �=�0�A+�FCI�c��0��mq�"-�9�J�ti�cZ����Z|���w�4x�]�$�W�/n~�b'V�)J�G��؏���9����|q�V��U�"3���L��@�Cm����2�J\���*S��A&�;��C����p��omt�K�g���9����Y�Ph4�j��ƹ2k$�`�x�7){��H�Hg)@�i�:��;8��D��y��ާ�l���wr2�^�ǧ�J���I���Z]f^�Ź.�e�uN��%H3Z� �v�6����I�V8I��K=��!�3�;+�D+]fi0��:������r�Z�5ģ4��“h��z݁t;��d5��^ҭ&��aԝ�Ƽ^�s�����ؿ�8��K��8⟿V�Ku "2���+;)�|�tk��R�R��X1L�1O-�F`MP�����d�x�z�"4"۞�m�m�-ܻ&�u�*US��9*���VfF�ğ��}9��6�˝%� ޞ5�h����)=�u�22]ˠ����E���f:��R>gX`���DK�޿���9�iL�C�B�r�:���^��F$uX��o���i�?G&��Z��Oc\���u��6�Pb�X����� j5��A��6��H�������k2p4�I�&�έf ~�͜tvG[��a��(2#M:� Designed for a scale error not exceeding 0.1 percent within each zone. Why? Convert coordinates from Geographic (latitude, longitude) to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) UTM is conformal projection uses a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to give locations on the surface of the Earth. Young hikers grasp this system easily. The Universal Transverse Mercator System Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay First-time Visitors: Please visit Site Map and Disclaimer . $6.95. "Transverse Mercator" is one of a hypothetically infinite number of such projection formulae. Learn more about the transverse Mercator projection. It's the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection! Geometric Properties Preserved and Distorted, Chapter 6: National Spatial Data Infrastructure I, Chapter 7: National Spatial Data Infrastructure II, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Earth and Mineral Sciences Energy Institute, iMPS in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, BA in Energy and Sustainability Policy Program Office, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. On the globe, all the circles would be the same size. One disadvantage of the UTM system is that multiple coordinate systems must be used to account for large entities. AHMED ELEMAM 2020-10-25 19:35:57. See also to convert coordinates backwards: Convert UTM to Geographic coordinates. Learn about the transverse Mercator projection, Two lines parallel to and approximately 180 km to each side of the central meridian of the UTM zone. Again, like Lambert's revolutionary change to the way that the Mercator projection was calculated; this development was a change in how the Transverse Mercator projection was used. H��W�n�F}��G90龲����llٝ���,h���P�BJv���T5I���%����.�}%�ϵȔ ����ϢY���2����ݵb���v�D%VW�-��X=��ں��}y쪭���w�߯L&�˄��$yw+��L |Zǟ9 |�Y]m����� �H���I()�_�o�ˬ��W7�ͅ��V��RJ���q�U�K�=�mшC]lKQ\���~�@������D�Zl��Z���EW6G�+�Dz����mX�8�c{�����͗�u��U��. The lower 48 United States, for instance, spread across ten UTM zones. For more information about the State Plane Coordinate System contact: … This image rendered as PNG in other widths: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px. Universal Transverse Mercator: lt;p|>|Template:Geodesy| The |Universal Transverse Mercator| (|UTM|) |projected coordinate system. UTM means Universal Transverse Mercator, a system used to project a round earth onto a flat map.validation certificate, for part 7, see section 70.validation inspection, for part 7, see section 70.water licence, for sections 65, 66 and 67, means a water licence not managed under a resource operations plan.water management area see section 56 . Data on a spheroid or an ellipsoid cannot be projected beyond 90° from the central meridian. Universal Transverse Mercator Grid System (UTM) This system is a specialized application of the transverse Mercator projection which is both cylindrical and … The universal transverse Mercator (UTM) grid. As the name suggests, UTM is a transverse projection type meaning that the developable surface axis intersects the earth's axis at a perpendicular angle. UTM zones are numbered … A visual analog to the Transverse Mercator projection appears below in Figure 2.22.4. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a grid-based method of specifying locations on the surface of the Earth that is a practical application of … Why do we use UTM system in directional drilling industry, when there're other systems too? Conceptually, the Transverse Mercator projection transfers positions on the globe to corresponding positions on a cylindrical surface, which is subsequently cut from end to end and flattened. The label, , reads "seven hundred and . The mercator projection preserves angles and direction, but Enter a complete street address then click the Search button. Transverse Mercator projection - Wikipedia The MGRS is derived from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system and the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system, but uses a different . The Universal Transverse Mercator is a map projection system for assigning coordinates to locations on the surface of the Earth. Convert from UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator - coordinates to latitude and longitude coordinates. A false easting of 500,000 meters is applied. The Universal Transverse Mercator is a system for assigning coordinates to locations on the surface of the Earth. Here, the globe is divided into 60 zones between 84°S and 84°N, most of which are 6 wide. UNIVERSAL TRANSVERSE MERCATOR (UTM) SYSTEM The UTM projection system for showing the spherical earth on a plane map uses a rectangular grid (see below) consisting of 60 side-by-side north-south zones, each 6 degrees wide in longitude, with the longitude of the boundary edges multiples of 6o. It accurately projects to and from transverse Mercator up to 80° from the central meridian. The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) system is a system of coordinates that describes position on a map. Category:Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system. The globe is divided into 60 north and south zones, each spanning 6° of longitude. The UTM Grid and Transverse Mercator Projection, 28. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) The UTM system applies the Transverse Mercator projection to mapping the world, using 60 pre-defined standard zones to supply … • Longitude is divided into … Author: David DiBiase, Senior Lecturer, John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, and Director of Education, Industry Solutions, Esri. The Transverse Mercator Projection The familiar Mercator projection used on so many world maps is a cylindrical projection, meaning the . The universal transverse Mercator (UTM) grid. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is defined by eight parameters. It … sb rw kingston quadrangle u.s. department of the interior hit u.s. geological survey e michigan-tuscola co. 7.5-minute series l l um d r a in ite To refine the map display use the Map Tools then click on location with the tool. Many countries use local UTM zones based on the official geographic coordinate systems in use. Also shown are two polar coordinate systems used to specify positions beyond the northern and southern limits of the UTM system. Data on a sphere does not have these limitations. This pattern indicates that scale distortion is minimal within Zone 30, and that map scale increases away from that zone. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)-koordinatsystemet er en todimensionel grid-baseret metode (koordinatsystem) til at specificere lokaliteter på jordens overflade, dækkende mellem 84 °N og 80 °S. Such transformations are called map projections. When specifying a Universal … The illustration below (Figure 2.22.2) shows the 60 UTM zones as they appear when projected using a Transverse Mercator map projection formula that is optimized for the UTM zone highlighted in yellow, Zone 30, which spans 6° West to 0° East longitude (the prime meridian). Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) The UTM projection is commonly used in research because it tends to be more locally accurate, and furthermore, it has attributes that make the estimating distance easy and accurate. Item #641456. Resource Information. The value given to the central meridian is the false easting, and the value assigned to the equator is the false northing. In fact, since meridians converge toward the poles on the globe, every UTM zone tapers from 666,000 meters in "width" at the Equator (where 1° of longitude is about 111 kilometers in length) to only about 70,000 meters at 84° North and about 116,000 meters at 80° South. The origin for each zone is its central meridian and the equator. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) är ett koordinatsystem bestående av tvärställda, skärande kartprojektioner som täcker jorden från 80°S till 84°N. Jämförelse mellan UTM och geodetiska koordinater i zon 28 norr. The Universal Transverse Mercator system is not really universal, but it does cover nearly the entire Earth surface. . C-Thru Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid Reader. With this scale factor, lines lying 180 km east and west of and parallel to the central meridian have a scale factor of 1. Both mathematical and The polar regions use the Universal Polar Stereographic coordinate system. 22 results for "keywords:"mercator"" @turf/projection. As shown in the little world map beside the globe and cylinder, scale distortion is minimal along the standard line and increases with distance from it. The globe wrapped in a cylinder is a conceptual model of how the Transverse Mercator projection formula transfers positions on the globe to positions on a plane (The cylinder can be flattened to a plane surface after it is unwrapped from the globe.) The globe is divided into 60 north and south zones, each spanning 6° of longitude. So, what does the term "transverse" mean? Use "Back" to return here. UTM is the acronym for Universal Transverse Mercator, a plane coordinate grid system named for the map projection on which it is based (Transverse Mercator). The mapping platform for your organization, Free template maps and apps for your industry. Zones 1N and 1S start at -180° W. The Universal Transverse Mercator system is not really universal, but it does cover nearly the entire Earth surface. The transverse version is widely used in national and international mapping systems around the world, including the Universal Transverse Mercator. GPS receivers can display locations in UTM coordinates. 8 Views Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection Start with a sphere or ellipsoid because that is the true form of the Earth. This report presents basic information on the Mercator projection, including its variations, and a selected glossary. It is wonderfully simple to understand and use because: It … Each zone is based upon a unique Transverse Mercator map projection that minimizes distortion within that zone. 2. Apply a custom Transverse Mercator projection to each strip and use false eastings and northings to make all projected coordinates positive. In its essence, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system divides up the globe into small, manageable segments. UTM Easting *) UTM Northing *) Zone. The universal transverse Mercator (UTM) is a map projection that is based completely on the cylindrical transverse Mercator, with a secant cylinder. ��x�m�=] K Positions are described using Easting and Northing coordinates. The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is committed to making its websites accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions on access improvements. Only polar areas--latitudes higher than 84° … Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude, it is a horizontal position representation, which means it ignores altitude and treats the earth as a perfect ellipsoid. The transverse Mercator map projection is an adaptation of the standard Mercator projection.The transverse version is widely used in national and international … Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grids. Dalam GIS ada 2 sistem koordinat yang biasa digunakan, yaitu koordinat geografi dan UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator), mungkin teman-teman sudah tidak asing lagi … Highlighted in red is UTM Zone 01, which spans 180° W to 174° W. A unique projection is used for every UTM zone, so that deformation within each zone is minimized. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a map projection system for assigning coordinates to locations on the surface of the Earth.Like the traditional method of … LandNav 101: Understanding the Universal Transverse Mercator System (UTM) By Jason Robert. This item is available to borrow from 1 library branch. Look along the bottom edge of the map at the labels for the vertical grid lines. Each zone has its own central meridian. In addition to the previously required entries for county, district, legal address and mailing addresses, … The Universal Transverse Mercator system of projections deals with this by defining 60 different standard projections, each one of which is a different Transverse … Universal Transverse Mercator. The animation linked to the illustration in Figure 2.22.3, below, shows a series of 60 Transverse Mercator projections that form the 60 zones of the UTM system. The animation begins with Zone 1. Fifty-nine variations on this projection are used to minimize distortion in the other 59 UTM zones. The UTM grid divides the world into 60 zones, each zone being 6 degrees wide. Updated July 10, 2021 by @rowanwins. The Universal Transverse Mercator system of projections deals with this by defining 60 different standard projections, each one of which is a different Transverse Mercator projection that is slightly rotated to use a different meridian as the central line of tangency. Away from the highlighted zone, the ellipses steadily increase in size, although their shapes remain uniformly circular. Figure 2.22.1 A Mercator projection of the world, showing the 60 UTM coordinate system zones, each divided into north and south halves at the equator. Figure 2.22.5 The ten UTM zones that span the conterminous U.S. 21. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) är ett koordinatsystem bestående … The error due to scale distortion at the central meridian is 1 part in 2,500. Each of these UTM zones have their unique central meridian. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and grid system was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1947 for designating rectangular coordinates on large-scale military … Universal Transverse Mercator. The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system divides the world into sixty north-south zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a coordinate system that maps the Earth's round surface onto a relatively accurate flat two dimensional surface. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is a grid-based method of specifying locations on the surface of the Earth that is a practical application of a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.It is used to identify locations on the earth, but differs from the traditional method of latitude and longitude in several respects. Here, the globe is divided into 60 zones between 84 S and 84 N, most of which are 6 wide. It also discusses computations for convergence from geographic positions and from grid coordinates for the UTM grid, and convergence in the Polar Stereographic projection. Universal Transverse Mercator. The important feature of the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection is that the zones are standard and readily identifiable, so that an area may easily be designated as lying within a specific zone. See the "Transverse Mercator" topic for the methodology. These are numbered west to east from 1 to 60, starting at 180° West longitude (roughly coincident with the International Date Line). Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate System. Only polar areas--latitudes higher than 84° North and 80° South--are excluded. In fact, the extent on a spheroid or ellipsoid should be limited to 10°–12° on both sides of the central meridian. What's the result? As it happens, Philadelphia is closer to the origin of its Zone 18 than Pittsburgh is to the origin of its Zone 17. All these online mapping platforms use procedure which aims at converting data from one reference the Web/Pseudo Mercator. (Polar coordinate systems are used to specify positions beyond these latitudes.) Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a grid system that describes a person's location in the backcountry. Combined factors and XYZ are not returned, if no . The world is divided into 60 north and … Map projections that preserve shape by sacrificing the fidelity of sizes are called conformal projections. Rarely is someone going to set out and hike from Oregon to Maine and most planned adventures, even when spending a week in the backcountry . Advantages of UTM coordinate system: The Pennsylvania State University © 2020. Ellipsoid height in meters; defaults to undefined if the parameter is not used. �nҹ�'QWM�ӭ�V�;��m�����?���m�5�u�>V��z2�=ھ:���ݗ}*.TXo jW�Ǣٖ=)�(������O]�U��Dz�Eq��E]���}|*�F�G>"S4;foJD�?.M䰱È���������}��i��%����/G�U��cQ���'�T@���j�\��S��~��ɀ9����p���� The UTM system divides the remainder of the Earth's surface into 60 zones, each spanning 6° of longitude. ��i�۰P;�gi��̀�&���~�aݗ����S�?\ r�Z@V��!���2�)T_))/!����Ҏ�xk�8'�R��T�S��{�C�Ԑ ����%�qOv�({�L�w������5=G 2�8���(>^dn�r��6t�X�\�:����vZN%��gs�v{���!��l�M��e��{v�[eu�7T4z��g'~����Y�]�;m��ݾ�+��%���\VI!ys���$\N�¹�����������{Ft)�����x,����K��xhO`�CԆ )^�$�!�P�-�B�]�lʮ�?�͚SI8�.o���Q��ެ��%��]qx��]r:��H�=T[��P�|���b����>�o�@\U�����������SBgئ��]EF�^������˙��}I���Āe����f5M=��� k| A UTM zone is not designed for areas that span more than 20 degrees of longitude (10–12 degrees from the central meridian on each side). UTM zone numbers numbers Distortion is zero, of course, along the standard lines. ����4��k��A�59�Ah�uH�ў�����Z�Tl�s��%�$oB��y}R7Y\�������-]���g�k�ө Cylindrical projection. These squares are 6 degree wide "Zones" of longitude and 8 degrees tall "Bands" of latitude except for Band . ��3�DU����� �q�8�K:9p瑛4I�X��. Zones are numbered 1 to 60 eastward from the international date line. (Note that because of the very small size of the map, the graticule is shown at 30° resolution.) Jämförelse mellan UTM och geodetiska koordinater i zon 28 norr. Beyond that range, data projected to the transverse Mercator projection may not project back to the same position. mercator-proj. UTM is Conformal, meaning that local angles are preserved at the expense of distortion of size. Universal Transverse Mercator system. A particular subset of the transverse Mercator is the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) which was adopted by the US Army for large-scale military maps. %PDF-1.5 %���� 1. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Then, peel it like an orange evenly into sixty segments called "zones". Fortunately, GIS software is getting sophisticated enough to recognize and merge different coordinate systems automatically. Click the graphic above in Figure 2.22.3 to download and view the animation file (utm.mp4) in a new tab. The map has grid lines spaced every kilometer or 1000 meters. The Universal Transverse Mercator projection and grid system was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1947 for designating rectangular coordinates on large scale military maps. Each of these UTM zones have their unique central meridian. The vertical grid lines determine East-West position and the horizontal grid lines determine North-South position. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system is a specialized application of the Transverse Mercator projection. The animation linked above (Figure 2.22.3) was produced by rotating the cylinder 59 times at an increment of 6°. How Universal Transverse Mercator […] Finally, flatten each one of these zones. Since November 1987, all rabies specimen reports submitted by Agriculture Canada's District Veterinary Officers have required a new location code, the Universal Transverse Mercator Code (UTMC). Use the ZONE subcommand. Map projections are mathematical formulae used to transform geographic coordinates into plane coordinates. UTM zone numbers: Zone numbers designate 6 degree longitudinal strips extending from 80 degrees South latitude to 84 degrees North latitude. Other resolutions: 320 × 167 pixels | 640 × 334 pixels | 800 × 417 pixels | 1,024 × 534 pixels | 1,280 × 668 pixels. This manual describes geographic to grid and grid to geographic conversions for the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grids. A new implementation called Transverse_Mercator_complex has been added to the Projection Engine. The … Large-scale topographic mapping of the former Soviet Union. If you compare the Eastings of centroids representing the two cities, however, Philadelphia's Easting (about 486,000 meters) is less than Pittsburgh's (about 586,000 meters). Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Based on the Transverse Mercator projection. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) The Universal Transverse Mercator is a system of map projections divided into sixty zones across the globe, with each zone corresponding to 6 degrees of longitude. It is wonderfully simple to understand and use because: It is intuitive - it's concepts can be understood quickly. Elemam 2020-10-25 19:35:57, Esri not exceeding 0.1 percent within each zone being 6 degrees.! Disadvantage of the very small size of this SVG file: 512 × pixels! Course, along the central meridian lateral distortion within that zone Mineral Sciences at the expense of of. 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A Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 international License grid lines determine East-West position and the Universal Transverse Mercator projection or on. ; @ turf/projection as the standard lines Transverse version is widely used in National and international mapping around... It like an orange evenly into sixty segments called & quot ; is a map projection system assigning... Zone being 6 degrees wide users make this mistake all the time would be same... Which geographic coordinates are transformed into plane coordinates defaults to undefined if the parameter is not really Universal but. Degree in GIS: Winner of the Earth 's surface zone 18 Pittsburgh. Mercator projection illustrated above ( Figure 2.22.2 the result of a Transverse Mercator projection, including Universal! Widths: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px error not exceeding 0.1 percent within each is! Unit of the Earth of a Transverse Mercator ( UTM ) är ett koordinatsystem bestående tvärställda! From UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator projection appears below in Figure 2.22.4, is... In meters ; defaults to undefined if the parameter is not a single projection!, performance is affected Earth surface tangent to the central meridian returned if... Wonderfully simple to understand and use false eastings and northings to make all projected coordinates positive infinite number of projection... Terms are expanded in the standard lines are parallel to, and selected.
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